
Exercise as a means of prevention and rehabilitation of chronic diseases

The aim of the "Exercise as a means of prevention and rehabilitation of chronic diseases" - PREVENT E-Learning training course is to educate healthcare and exercise professionals about the many benefits of physical activity for health. There are three modules that focus on: i) exercise for the prevention of non-communicable diseases, ii) exercise for the prevention and treatment of obesity, and iii) exercise for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease.

There is a wealth of evidence demonstrating the many benefits of physical activity for the prevention and treatment of non-communicable diseases including obesity and cardiovascular disease. However, a large proportion of the population across Europe do not achieve the recommended amount of physical activity to benefit health. The PREVENT E-Learning materials have been developed by members of the PREVENT project consortium across five countries (Greece, England, Cyprus, Spain and Bulgaria). The E-Learning materials were designed to increase healthcare and exercise professionals’ knowledge around the benefits of exercise for the prevention and treatment of non-communicable diseases and as a result promote exercise to their patients and clients.


The objectives of the E-Learning are:

  • To increase healthcare and exercise professionals’ knowledge around the benefits of exercise for the prevention and treatment of non-communicable diseases.
  • To encourage healthcare and exercise professionals to recommend regular exercise to their patients and clients.
  • To educate healthcare and exercise professionals about the safest and most effective forms of exercise.
  • Raise public awareness to organize safe and effective exercise programs.
  • To establish an online forum for healthcare and exercise professionals to discuss their experiences, share advice or ask for support.


For free access to the E-Learning material visit:

Course Units

Exercise and Prevention

Non-communicable Diseases
Risk Factors for Non-communicable Diseases
Cost of Non-communicable Diseases
Physical Inactivity as a Risk Factor for Non-communicable Diseases
Three Stages of prevention
Health Benefits of exercise
Exercise and Guidelines
Exercise and Obesity
Exercise and Weight maintenance
Exercise and Cardiovascular diseases
Exercise Protocol


exercise, prevention, exercise in general population


Exercise & Cardivascular Disease

Risk factors
Physical exercise
Types of physical exercise
Prescription of physical exercise
Benefits of physical activity
Tips to increase physical activity
Primary prevention
Secondary prevention
Area of application
Exercise Protocol

heart disease, exercise

Exersice and Obesity

Definition of Obesity
Health Consequences of Obesity
Health Benefits of Exercise
Exercise for Overweight and Obesity
Physical Activity Recommendations
Aerobic Exercise Programme
Resistance Exercise Programme
Flexibility Exercise
Tips to Increase Physical Activity
Exercise Protocol


Obesity, Exercise



Each section is accompanied by exercise books so that all those who suggest the exercise can be guided and more specifically to be informed about the types of exercises (aerobics, strengthening and flexibility), their intensity and duration and the limitations and contraindications.



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